FINALLY, it was raining heavily today, twice. First at around 1500 for an hour and another, at 2000 till 2200.
The dry spell that we are having for two weeks, which was an irony considering the major flood we had during the last Chinese New Year (CNY), has now come to the end. I hope. I really do... No more odd yellowish sky at the moment.
At least, I won't complain much if my towkey still insist of having me ridden the motorbikes to Puspakom for inspection. Panas lor... (Heh, baru panas dunia!)
As the coming of the end of March, most of the people here started to renew their road-tax, especially for those which have expired for more than a year. The fuel rebate is going to end soon. Geez,.. since the CNY holiday, I was and still busy with the tons of workload I have to do, especially the insurance issuance.
Not to mention, the shuffling of the JPJ's staff (nearly all of the important one) slowed our work flow. And with a sarcasm from my work-mate, I have to do more than I could bear.
Heh, my chinese zodiac (rabbit) did perdict that up untill April, they will be back stabbing occasion in the office environment followed by a serious bad luck of health on April. I only have be patient and keep my mouth shut just to survive. Alamak!
But just two days ago, I admittedly, I gave a smirk to my towkey-nyior and tell her... "Buter ke (r u blind)?.."
Back to the rain,.. at least my life is 'cool' at the moment. Hik!..