(nice shirt,... errr this is definitely not my size...
image taken from the web, randomly)
FRIDAY. JUNE 24th, 2011
Today I am 36 years old... Giving the life expectancy of an average male is 60, you might say I have less than 50% of my life to spend with... isk isk isk
How do I feel now? Well, mixed feelings... happy because today is my birthday (go figures!) and I am finally got a stable government job (fuhhh).
Not so happy because my life is finally just started ... and tons of catch-up I need to do, personally... With a few ups and downs for having started a bright future (hopefully) this late, I hope a could persevere and achieve my goals.
Thanks for all your wishes and support throughout my life... I will try to do my best from now on, with occasional quirky attitude just for sake of fun. (pardon me!)
Assalalammualaikum and God bless you all!
Now, if only I could find those massage ointment...arrghhh